Aerobic Granular Sludge - Aqua-Aerobic Systems


Aerobic Granular Sludge - Aqua-Aerobic Systems

The Development of Nereda®

A public-private research partnership in the Netherlands between the world-renowned Delft University of Technology, research institutes, water authorities and Royal HaskoningDHV led to the invention of the first technology applying Aerobic Granular Sludge Technology for the biological treatment of wastewater.

Since its development, Royal HaskoningDHV has transferred the process into an internationally applied, sustainable and cost-effective wastewater treatment technology. After 20 years of research and development, this innovative biological solution is now proving to be one of the most sought–after, progressive wastewater biological treatment technologies.

In 2016 Aqua-Aerobic Systems partnered with Royal HaskoningDHV to expand Aerobic Granular Sludge Technology into North America and is the exclusive provider of this technology in the United States.

The mechanisms of granulation of activated sludge in wastewater treatment, its optimization, and impact on effluent quality

Granular activated sludge has gained increasing interest due to its potential in treating wastewater in a compact and efficient way. It is well-established that activated sludge can form granules under certain environmental conditions such as batch-wise operation with feast-famine feeding, high hydrodynamic shear forces, and short settling time which select for dense microbial aggregates. Aerobic granules with stable structure and functionality have been obtained with a range of different wastewaters seeded with different sources of sludge at different operational conditions, but the microbial communities developed differed substantially. In spite of this, granule instability occurs. In this review, the available literature on the mechanisms involved in granulation and how it affects the effluent quality is assessed with special attention given to the microbial interactions involved. To be able to optimize the process further, more knowledge is needed regarding the influence of microbial communities and their metabolism on granule stability and functionality. Studies performed at conditions similar to full-scale such as fluctuation in organic loading rate, hydrodynamic conditions, temperature, incoming particles, and feed water microorganisms need further investigations.

During the last years, a number of review papers have been published about the AGS technology, e.g., (Adav et al. 2008c ; de Kreuk et al. 2007a ; Franca et al. 2018 ; Gao et al. 2011a ; Khan et al. 2013 ; Lee et al. 2010 ; Liu et al. 2009 ; Liu and Tay 2002 ; Maszenan et al. 2011 ; Nancharaiah and Kiran Kumar Reddy 2018 ; Sarma et al. 2017 ; Seviour et al. 2012b ; Show et al. 2012 ; Winkler et al. 2018 ; Zhang et al. 2016 ). The focus of these reviews has been mainly on operational factors that influence the granulation process, the role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), physical and chemical aspects of granule stability, and carbon and nutrient removal, as well as treatment of recalcitrant compounds. In most reviews, little attention is given to the influence of the microbial community on the mechanisms involved in the granulation process. The development of new molecular methods has made it possible to identify the microbial community at a high resolution. The aim of this review is to assess the available literature on the mechanisms of aerobic granulation with special attention given to the microbial interactions involved.

Just as for the conventional activated sludge process, stable aggregation of the granule biomass is important to achieve low concentrations of suspended solids in the effluent, but also for efficient nutrient removal. Even though full-scale applications exist, and several studies have been made to assess which operational parameters are critical to optimize the granulation, the underlying mechanisms behind granulation are far from understood.

AGS for wastewater treatment has gained increasing interest due to its advantages compared to conventional activated sludge: excellent settling properties which enables high suspended solids concentrations in the aeration tank and operation at shorter hydraulic retention times (HRTs). Since the middle of the 1990s when the first laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were applied (Mishima and Nakamura 1991 ; Morgenroth et al. 1997 ), several studies followed which showed that granules were relatively easy to obtain, and that these had good removal efficiency for organic material (Beun et al. 1999 ), nitrogen (Beun et al. 2001 ; Dangcong et al. 1999 ), and phosphorus (de Kreuk and van Loosdrecht 2005 ). Since AGS is mainly applied in SBRs, secondary settlers are not needed (Morgenroth et al. 1997 ). The term aerobic granular sludge comes from the first systems that were operated entirely at aerobic conditions, whereas nowadays, various redox conditions (aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic) are applied to efficiently remove organic matter and nutrients using granular sludge. Granulation starts to occur under certain environmental conditions, namely batch-wise operation with feast-famine feeding, high hydrodynamic shear forces, large height to diameter ratio of the reactor, and short settling time to select for dense microbial aggregates. The large aggregate size of AGS makes simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal possible in one reactor due to large diffusion gradients of electron donors and acceptors, creating different redox conditions, within the granule. This enables growth of different guilds of microorganisms in different parts of the granule (de Kreuk and van Loosdrecht 2005 ; Szabó et al. 2017a ). AGS has been cultured from different inoculums using synthetic, domestic, and industrial wastewaters under different reactor conditions. Generally, laboratory-scale reactors with synthetic wastewater gives stable granules within a few weeks, or even faster, e.g., (Szabó et al. 2016 ), whereas pilot-scale and full-scale reactors require longer start-up periods and granule instability is common. There are today few documented full-scale applications (Li et al. 2014a ; Liu et al. 2017 ; Pronk et al. 2015 ; Świątczak and Cydzik-Kwiatkowska 2018 ).

Many wastewater treatment plants need capacity extension due to stricter treatment demands. At the same time, surface area is often limited. Especially the nitrification step of traditional nitrogen removal requires large reactor volumes when based on the conventional activated sludge process due to the long solids retention time (SRT) needed to allow for slow growing bacteria. Also, solids-liquid separation problems associated with filamentous bacteria or poor floc formation are common in conventional activated sludge processes and require plant extensions. To overcome these problems, new more compact and efficient treatment technologies have been developed for nutrient removal during the last decades such as integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS), membrane bioreactors (MBRs), moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR), and aerobic granular sludge (AGS).

Predation is one of the most important interactions between living organisms, as a major cause of bacterial mortality with direct implications on the genetic and functional structure of the community (Jousset 2012 ). Bacteriophages (virus), predatory bacteria, and protists are the most important microbial predators (Johnke et al. 2014 ). Predation has been reported to have important implications in the process performance. Bacteriophages have been reported to display 10 to 100 times higher diversities than bacteria in aquatic ecosystems and to be responsible up to 71% of the bacterial mortality (Johnke et al. 2014 ). Barr et al. ( 2010b ) operated a laboratory-scale SBR for enhanced biological phosphorous removal. They associated an unexpected drop in phosphate-removal performance with bacteriophages infection of the key phosphate-accumulating bacterium in the reactor due to the presence of elevated levels of virus-like particles in the reactor. Moreover, the addition of bacteriophage-rich supernatant to other reactors affected negatively the phosphate removal performance. Predatory bacteria feed on other microbial cells and they have been found in a variety of environments (Martin 2002 ). The presence of predatory bacteria in aerobic granules and its persistence during granulation has been reported (Li et al. 2014d ; Szabó et al. 2017a ; Wan et al. 2014 ; Weissbrodt et al. 2014 ). Predatory bacteria and their effect on microbial populations is, however, poorly understood. It is believed that they have an important influence on microbial community structure and dynamics. For instance, it has been reported that the predation of Nitrospira sp. by Micavibrio-like bacteria can have a direct impact on the nitrification process (Dolinšek et al. 2013 ). Stalked ciliates have been observed in higher numbers growing on the granule surface (Lemaire et al. 2008a ). Winkler et al. ( 2012 ) reported Vorticella-like protist actively grazing on bacteria in aerobic granules. Protist grazing activity induces different phenotypes of bacteria, such as biofilm development, as a survival strategy (Matz and Kjelleberg 2005 ). A higher biofilm production and aggregation has been reported due to the grazing activity of protists (Liébana et al. 2016 ; Matz et al. 2004 ). Predation by protists can also cause a reduction of the biofilm bacteria (Huws et al. 2005 ) and even extend to deep biofilm layers (Suarez et al. 2015 ). Therefore, it is reasonable that protists, and also predatory bacteria and bacteriophages, have a direct impact on granulation and granule structure.

Washing out the non-granulated biomass is considered an important selection force for sludge granulation. But according to the results from various studies, high wash-out rates would act as an accelerant of granulation by the physical selection of bigger particles. Indeed, in our laboratory (results not published), and in others, granulation has been observed even at long settling times with a low degree of wash-out of suspended matter (Barr et al. 2010a ; Dangcong et al. 1999 ; Dulekgurgen et al. 2003 ; Weissbrodt et al. 2013b ), but as expected, much longer reactor run times were needed to obtain aerobic granules under these circumstances. Higher shear forces have been found necessary to achieve granulation when long settling times is applied (Chen and Lee 2015 ; Zhou et al. 2014 ). Moreover, Szabó et al. ( 2017a ) showed that during the initial stages of granulation in a system for COD and nitrogen removal, most genera were washed out proportionally to their relative abundance on the floc-particles. Therefore, the biomass was proportionally washed out until granules emerged. Once granules emerged, microorganisms located on the granular surface where preferentially washed out from the reactors due to erosion of the granules while those growing in the granular interior were retained in the reactor. Some bacteria retained in the reactors still displayed a decreasing trend of relative abundance, indicating that they were retained during the physical particle selection but were thereafter outcompeted by better adapted other ones. Zhou et al. ( 2014 ) observed that when flocs and crushed granules were differently labeled with fluorescent microspheres and mixed in a reactor, flocs detach and re-attach to granules in a random manner. This indicates that floccular sludge is not washed out from the reactor due to the inability of certain microorganisms to form granules, instead microorganisms move between granular and floccular sludge randomly (Zhou et al. 2014 ; Verawaty et al. 2012 ). These results indicate that high wash-out dynamics is not a requisite for granulation and therefore should not be considered as an important selection pressure for sludge granulation.

Generally speaking, bacteria can exist both in a planktonic or attached mode and biofilm/granule development is key for retention of prokaryotes in flowing environments that develop under shear forces (Boltz et al. 2017 ). Thus, granulation is a response to specific selection pressures. High shear forces stimulate bacteria to increase the production of extracellular polymers with a higher polysaccharide/protein ratio, increasing the hydrophobicity of the biomass (Tay et al. 2001 ). Therefore, high shear force assists the formation of compact and denser aerobic granules shaping the granules into rounded aggregates by removing outgrowing structures. Feast-famine alternation and anaerobic feeding increases bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity, accelerate the microbial aggregation, and promote the growth of slow growers (Adav et al. 2008c ; Liu et al. 2004 ).




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